Friday, December 30, 2005

Spirit of Christmas Pants

(From an actual Christmas Eve conversation.) MOM: I've never been one to pry. ME: I've always appreciated that. MOM: But I couldn't help notice you have a pair of shiny silver pants in the back seat of your car. ME: They're for a show. MOM: Oh. (beat) What kind of show? ME: It's a kind of science-fiction/comedy thing. MOM: (skeptically) I see. ME: Look, don't judge the pants without seeing the rest of the outfit, OK? MOM: You aren't going to wear them on the street, are you? ME: They're for a show!


Anonymous said...

Mom: I see.
(Pause of understanding)
Are you going to wear them with the shiny blue shoes that glow in the dark?

Meegs said...

Wow. Thats HOT! Even better than I imagined.

p.s. i miss you

Meegs said...

The pants did it. I'm definitely coming to visit. Last weekend of February.

Keith said...

Hey, can't wait to see you! Sadly, the silver pants will return to their owner on closing night, Feb. 10. But I can still be entertaining, pants or no pants.