Thursday, September 15, 2005


Last weekend I saw Moliere's The Miser at the theater where I appeared for several weeks this summer. Très amusant, but also a strangely melancholy experience, seeing our squalid cabin transformed into a bourgeouis drawing room, French dandies mincing and scheming where gods and nymphs had fought and frolicked. At moments I felt like jumping out of my seat to join them, but I knew that would be most unwelcome. There comes a time to let go, move on and make way, and that was, what, two and a half weeks on closing night? In that same spirit, I am no longer a Second City student. I was not, am not and never will be interested in short-form ensemble improv. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just not where my passion lies. I took the immersion workshop to broaden my skills as an actor and I succeeded, but I also got caught up in the excitement and camaraderie. I surprised myself by passing the audition for the conservatory program, but almost immediately began to suspect that my time and resources could be better spent elsewhere. Yes, it was fun, and yes, I made progress, but it was time to move on and rededicate myself to my own path, which does not lead to eventually becoming the oldest member of the Mad TV cast. So I've been working and auditioning, and today I find myself cast in a stage project called Tales From the Shadow Zone. Scary, huh? We'll see what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

Meegs said...

You gotta do what you gotta do.

I had a funny comback to that last statement you made on IM, but I'm at work and people made me do stuff and by the time I got back you were gone. Anyways, I'm commenting on your BLOG!!