Monday, February 16, 2009

Do You Want to Play a Game?

I've written some articles on how to play some improv games: action replay, alphabet, emotional changes, late for work, limericks, lines from a hat, scene from a musical, and stand, sit, kneel. I just thought I'd let you know in case you wanted to, you know, maybe go read some of them and maybe, if you feel like it, click on a Google ad or two.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bannon Strikes Back - Feb. 15

Major General Bannon will be making a special return appearance in the final episode of Tales of the Extraordinary: Mexico Strikes Back, recorded in front of a live audience* at The Spot (4455 Overland Ave., Culver City) on Sunday, Feb. 15.

"Tales of the Extraordinary" is a 1926 radio drama (except for the "1926," "radio," and "drama" parts). You'll be able to listen to the episode online in a few days, but you'll miss the opening musical performance by Windows to Sky as well as the backstage antics (which, there being no backstage, must perforce take place in the open).

Did I mention admission is free? Seating is limited, so arrive early. Coffee, tea, and food are available. The show starts at 7 p.m.

* The best kind!