Sunday, April 20, 2008

Don't Bathe Your Cell Phone in Dr. Pepper

First, last night I was in the best improv show I've ever been in. Thanks for inviting me into your club, Improvisation Inundation! We performed in "The Great Room" at Roderick's, and the turnout was larger than anybody expected, so the show was delayed while extra chairs and tables were brought in and the servers tried to catch up with everyone's food and drink orders. By the time we started, the early arrivals had had about an hour and a half to get liquored up, which may have increased the overall level of hilarity. But it was also a good show because everyone in the group was energetic, knew what they were doing, and worked as a member of a team instead of trying to be a star. I'd also like to thank my personal fan club for coming out to support me: My mother, my father, and Bart. OK, it's not a huge fan club, and Bart was actually coming to the group's performances before I joined so I'm not sure he counts, but hey, support is support.

Second, I want to warn everyone against trying to wash their phones with Dr. Pepper. Oh, sure, it's a delicious tonic that restores vim, vigor, and vitality, but it's not so good for integrated circuits.

I have a new Motorola Razor now, which means I'd be really cool if this were a year ago. But I've lost most of my contacts. If you want to keep in touch, please send me at least one phone number where you can be reached. You may also include alternate phone numbers and e-mail and postal addresses.

Otherwise, it was nice knowing you and have a nice life!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm Back! Who Cares?

For the first time since last time, I will be appearing in an improv troupe on an OC stage this weekend. As an added bonus, there will be full food and beverage service! The more you drink, the funnier I get.

I will be appearing as part of Improvisation Inundation at:

Roderick’s Restaurant
14131 Red Hill Ave., Tustin
(right off the 5 freeway at Redhill)

Saturday, April 19

Doors Open at 6 p.m. for Dinner & Drinks
Show Time: 7 p.m.

Admission is $10 at the door, but be one of the first 5 people to contact me ahead of time and I'll get you a $2 discount! (Limited time offer.)

My improv career began with a workshop and productions at the late, lamented Second Stage in Anaheim, where I met all kinds of wonderful people. (Hi, Bart, Caitlin, Cambria, Carolyn, Celeste, Dino, Jasper, Joey, Mary Margaret, Robert, Susyn, Theresa, Toni, and Vern, in alphabetical order), but my first really structured classes were at The Second City in LA. (Hey, Booter, Fairly, Megan, and Wendy.)

For about a year now I've been acting exclusively in shows with scripts, but the fine folks of Improvisation Inundation have convinced me to once again cast away the crutch and venture into the deep end without a net. Who knows what hilarity might ensue or what metaphors may be mixed?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Stopping Traffic

Yesterday I worked on a short film addressing some of the issues surrounding human trafficking. It's being produced by members of a Korean-American Christian ministry for a film festival and DVD distribution. I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've been an active part of a Korean-American Christian ministry of any kind, but who knows what the future may hold.