Sunday, April 23, 2006

Pistol-Whipping and Other Fun

I had a good audition Friday. I mean, I don't know how it looked to the director, but it felt natural, and I was confident, energetic, and fully present, and for once I didn't stress out thinking about it afterward. I'd like to say that's because I've matured as an actor, but it's probably just because I was too busy stressing about my MC gig that night, hosting a 3 1/2-hour pseudo-Elizabethan variety show. It turned out to be a lot of fun, and I learned a few things that could come in handy the next time I'm asked to host a 3 1/2-hour pseudo-Elizabethan variety show. Saturday I worked on an independent film in which I got to be smug and condescending—at least until the pistol-whipping started. Today was another rehearsal for Much Ado—three weeks until the long-awaited opening!

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I went to the Second Stage last night to see a show called “The Monkey Shiners,” featuring some Hitchhiker's alums (Davian and Andrew, among others.) Before I knew what was going on, they had me up on stage playing games with them. I ended up creating three characters: Clueless-Panicky Guy, Overacting Guy, and Sexually Frustrated Guy. Really, where do I come up with this stuff? My favorite line of the evening (not spoken by my): “Quakers! I see Quakers!” I guess you had to be there. I enjoyed watching the show, but I enjoyed being in it even more. Thanks, guys!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I've just started work on a short film. My character is described in the script as “sarcastic,” so people who know me know what a stretch it is for me. He's a director, which means I got to shout “action” and “cut” a lot. The real filmmaker is alarmingly young, but he's already got one credit to his name on IMDb, so I've got reason to believe an actual film will result from the experience.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bushlander vs. the Bard

I'm to go toe-to-toe with Big Willie Shakespeare in the next couple of months. First, there's the Bard's Bawdy Birthday Bash, April 21 at the Knightsbridge Theatre (1944 Riverside Dr., Los Angeles.) My stage partner, Nic Anthony, and I will be committing sketch comedy, improvisation, and perhaps some song-and-dance throughout the evening. The lineup also includes swordfighters, musicians, and other sundry entertainers. Admission is $15 at the door or a meagre $10 if you make reservations by April 17 (E-mail and includes the show, hor d'ouvres, and a raffle ticket. Beverages and additional food will be available for a pittance.

The Los Angeles Shakespeare Company's much-anticipated Much Ado About Nothing, with yours truly as Dogberry and Nic as Verges, is now on track to open at another location on May 13 and continue through June 18, Saturdays and Sundays at 1 p.m., excluding Memorial Day weekend. More details will be forthcoming.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Happy Birthday to Thee....

It looks like I will be performing at the Bard's Bawdy Birthday Bash. More as the story develops!